Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This is the life

Wow, Today went fast!! I did'nt do a whole lot!! I basically drank my coffee, and hung with my babies all day!!! It's such a workout here now a days! I'd so love to be the workout queen I use to be,but... My kids are my first priority! It's literally a workout with twin three year olds and a four months old, but I love it. I've always been up for a challange and I got it! I guess what i'm trying to say is..A few extra pounds on me is ok for now! I need to be healthy and take good care of my kids. Image is'nt everything to me now. I'm very comfotable with the loving, caring person i've beome :) I use to have a six pack,run so many miles a day,tanned,hair,nails you name I did it. My lifes changed. I go days without make up! every other day I shower (yeah, thats how tired I get) I have stubby little nails:( and only tan and get my hair done occasionally!! Its such a different me,but the me I wish I was before!  I love sitting around in my pjs all day listening to my baby squeal and my twins yell with excitement over random things. THIS IS THE LIFE! The one i've always wanted. I'd watch my parents and think to myself"I hope I have kids and a family someday" and I got it. It took me awhile to find it ,but god is showing me the way. I strongly believe he's watching over me and only giving me what I can handle. Things aren't always perfect and I 've made lots of mistakes, but thats life. You live and learn. My theory is you only live once. I think I may have heard my mom say this? SO enjoy your kids. Take time to tell them you love them,kiss them, anything! It can be taken within seconds. Only god knows when your time to goes is. So im gonna cherish life. Love my family No matter what and tell them I love them any chance I get. So to all my family reading this,friends,sisters,brother,mom,dad,aunts,uncle,grandpa,grandma. I LOVE YOU! thank you for making me who I am today! With that, here's my pride and joy. I love you baby girls. You are my WORLD!

Haha, headbands! We love them!

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